Experience matters

The iroko tree (Chlorophora excelsa) is native to the west coast of Africa and can live up to 500 years. It is Hardy and Resilient. It is a survivor. It seemed only a fitting name for my firm. I founded Iroko Advisors with a purpose of helping firms improve their own resilience in an increasingly complex and threatened operating environment.

Experience matters

I have spent my entire 35+ year career in the fields of technology, operations, risk, regulatory, data and firm resilience within financial services, software and consulting including being Chief Resilience Officer and Chief Data Officer for one of the world’s global systemically important financial institutions. I therefore bring a wealth of pragmatic global and enterprise-wide experience.

From strategies to their execution. Useful frameworks to real world implementation. Experience with corporate board and global regulator interaction. Executive management and individual contributor collaboration. Leading global change initiatives and managing large and small organisations.

Urgency with purpose

It’s my philosophy. Urgency with a clear and pragmatic purpose is how I’ve always operated. Running towards a fire has been my reputation. Always with integrity.


I have always partnered with people at all levels to bring the best ideas and experiences to real solutions. Diversity of thought simply makes a difference. I am ready to partner with you but will also partner with other experts as and when needed.

Resilient, together

Let’s talk about how I can bring my bedrock of experience into your organisation. Together, we’ll build a more resilient future.

My experience prior to founding Iroko Advisors

Over my career I have held a number of positions at financial service, consulting and software development firms in the UK and the USA.

My roles have included executive positions in technology and operations and, most recently, Chief Data Officer and then Chief Resilience Officer for a systemically important financial institution. I have held corporate and non-profit board positions for many years.

I have also been a consultant in the financial services and technology sectors and have led sales and delivery teams.

My experience is built on the foundations of my career as a software engineer building commercial banking and foreign exchange trading systems.

Don’t just take my word for it

  • "It was a pleasure to work with you James. Your passion, vision and knowledge were inspiring."

  • "A leader with vision, tenacity and grit… it was an honor being part of your team, James."

  • "You have always been a leader and great influence in this [resilience + data] space."

  • "Thank you for being such an inspirational and authentic leader and amazing partner."

All testimonials and comments taken from my LinkedIn profile.